Custard Apples – Are now in moderate supply. Prices are adjusting as more become available.
Chestnuts – Good supply of chestnuts now on the market. Prices are coming down as supplies increase.
Beans – Moderate supply of Victorian grown beans. Prices have been steady. Light consignments from Queensland have now also started.
Passionfruit – Is in moderate supply and values are steady.
Tomatoes – Good availability of gourmet and truss varieties. Quality is mixed and values are wide ranging.
Cucumbers – Are in light to moderate supply and prices are up accordingly.
Bananas – Remain in good supply. Quality is variable with a wide than usual price range.
Capsicums, Egg fruit and Zucchini – In moderate supply at steady prices. Local season now winding down and the market will be sourcing interstate supplies.
Lettuce – In short supply and prices higher than normal.
Cabbages, Cauliflower and Broccoli – In moderate supply. prices starting to increase slightly as supply decreases.
Avocados – Supplies of Shepard varieties now more prominent and values are steady. Lighter supplies of Hass variety are now on the market.