Tomatoes – Gourmet varieties are in lighter supply than normal as the local season was late starting. A few have now started to arrive on the market. Truss and cherry varieties are in moderate to good supply.
Berries – Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries are in moderate to good supply and prices are reasonable.
Cherries – The local season is almost over but Tasmanian supplies are coming in. The wide-ranging quality is reflected in varied prices.
Asparagus – Light supply with values a little higher. Mexican imports are now also on the market.
Beans – Are in moderate supply from East Gippsland and Mildura areas. Values remain steady.
Watermelons – Seedless now in better supply and prices have moderated.
Melons – With the Queensland season almost over, rockmelon and honeydews are now mainly from South Australia and Victoria. prices have moderated as availability has increased.
Greens – Broccoli, cauliflowers, cabbages, wombok and lettuce are in good supply at steady prices.
Avocados – Supply has shortened. Values are steady, tending to firm up further.
Bananas – Beginning to increase in supply and prices will adjust accordingly.
Mangoes – In moderate supply at steady values. As volumes begin to decrease, values should improve.
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