CHRISTMAS BERRIES & CHERRIES:   Strawberries – in steady supply and prices remain stable.   Blueberries – now in light supply and values are higher.  Raspberries and blackberries – in moderate supply at very stead prices.   Cherries – currently in light supply and this is expected to continue until the new year.

STONEFRUIT:  Peaches, nectarines and apricots – in moderate to good supply at steady values.

MANGOES:  Kensington Pride variety in short supply as Northern Territory areas have almost finished.  Stocks from Mareeba starting to arrive.   Rzez and Calypso varieties are in moderate supply.

HONEYDEW & ROCKMELONS:  in light supply from the Queensland growing regions.  Values higher than usual.

AVOCADOS are in lighter supply and prices are increasing accordingly.

BANANAS are moderate to good supply and values are stead.

POTATOES remain in short/moderate supply but prices have not settled.

TOMATOES:  Gourmet varieties in short supply but reasonably good supply of truss tomatoes on the market.


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