Beans – The local season has all but ended. Light supplies are coming in from Queensland with quantities slowly building. Price is higher than average at present.
Peas/Snow Peas/Sugar Snap Peas – Light to moderate supply. Prices adjusting as quantities increase.
Passionfruit – Moderate to good supply available. Values are steady.
Avocados – An increase to supply on the market and prices have reduced slightly.
Bananas – Lighter supply than normal and prices are high for this time of year.
Capsicums – Light to moderate supply as the local season has now ended. Queensland supplies are starting to build. Prices are steady.
Strawberries – Light to moderate supply. Prices will adjust as Queensland supplies increase.
Blueberries – In very light supply and prices reflect this.
Broccoli/Cauliflower – Plentiful supply is now available and prices are much lower.
Lettuce – Moderate supply and values are steady.
Zucchini – Good supply now coming in from Queensland growing areas and prices are decreasing.